Labels:text | screenshot | font | number | menu OCR: Figure 7 New SystemParametersInfo Values SPI- GETMOUSESPEED The same value as you'd set via the Mouse applet in the Control Panel, SPI_SETMOUSESPEED. SPI GETSCREENSAVERRUNNING la a screen Fayer currently running? SPI GETACTIVEWINDOWTRACKING SPI SETACTIVEWINDOWTRACKING Makes the active window "track"the mouse .Whatever window the mouse is byer becomes the active window SPL GETMENUANIMATION SPL SETMENUANIMATION ferien animation is enabled, menus will slide dipen. If disabled, menus pop up hilly formed (just as in previous versions) SPI GETCOMBOBOXANIMATION If enabled, combo boxes slide open instead of pop open, SPI SETCOMBOBOXANIMATION SPI GETLIST BOXSMOOTHSCROLLING SPI- SETLISTBOXSMOOTHSCROLLING; If enabled, list, boxes tise the smooth scrollings effect. SPI. CETGRADIENTCAPTIONS SPI- SETGRADIENTCAPTIONS If enabled, the background color of window title bara hlends from the tight to the left color: Use GetSysColor with the COLOR GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION and COLOR ACTIVECAPTION flags to specify the right and left colors for active windows. Use the COLOR_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION and COLOR INACTIVECAPTION flags for inactive windows, SPL GETMENUUNDERLINES SPI_SETMENUUNDERLINES' If menu underlines are enabled, the menti shortcut underlines are ilways drawn. Otherwise, they are only drawn when the menu is activated through the keyboard SPI GETACTIVEWNDTRE ORDER SPL SETACTIVEWNDTRAZORDER If active window z-order tracking is enabled, the active window will be brought to the top of the z-order" SPI GETHOTTRACKING If hot tracking is enabled; the system bot tracks and displays tooltips for non-client. SPI SETHOTTRACKING area, buttohs and menubar items, SPI GETFOREGROUNDLOCKTDIBOUT Active window tracking delay; in hilliseconda. This happens regardless of the z- SPL SETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT ordering mode (see SPI SETACTIVE\ \ DTRKZORDER), SPI GETACTIVEWNDTRKTINEOUT SPI SETACTIVEWNDTRKTIMEOUT SPLUFTFORFOROUNDFLASHCOUNT This is the number of times Set Foreground Window will flash the tray button when; SPI SETFOREGROUNDFLASHCOUNT `icjecting a request by another program to switch to the foreground .-